Prerequisite Of Essay Writing

A set of all the things that work as a prior condition for its existence is known as a prerequisite. For example, when we are going to get admission in a college or university, then it is necessary for us to submit an admission form along with some required documents. This admission form along with all the documents is known as the prerequisite for getting admission in a college or university. In a similar way, there are some essential things to write an essay, and these essentials are known as the prerequisite of the essay writing. Here, we will describe all the prerequisites of the essay writing.

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  • The first prerequisite to writing an essay is that the topic of the essay should be unique, original, interesting, feasible, and attractive for the audience.
  • The second prerequisite to writing an essay is that it should be written in the best structure and format. There are three parts of an essay. The first part is known as the introduction, the second part is known as the body, and the third part is known as the conclusion. The introductory part of the essay should be written in one paragraph and it should contain the 10% weight of the whole essay. The second part of an essay is known as the body and it consists of three paragraphs and it should contain the 80% weight of the essay. At last, there comes the concluding part of the essay and it should be written in one paragraph and it should contain the 10% weight of the whole essay.
  • The third prerequisite of writing an essay is that all the arguments provided in an essay should be supported with the help of valid examples. We provide two or three arguments in the favour of the topic of an essay in the thesis statement and we try to prove these arguments in the body of an essay. We should be very careful to formulate the thesis statement of the essay and there is no need to include such an argument in the thesis statement for which we don’t have valid examples that can prove this argument.
  • The fourth prerequisite for writing an essay is that it should be free from the grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes. The best way to remove these kinds of mistakes for your essay is to proofread it after completing it. Moreover, you should also try to proofread it from the expert writers of the essay writing services.
  • The fifth and the most important prerequisite for writing the essay is that there should be a solid connection between all the sentences and paragraphs of an essay. This thing can become the cause of attraction for the audience towards your essay.
  • The sixth prerequisite for writing an essay is that you should be very careful while writing the concluding part of your essay. It should be written with the help of the most important points of your essay. There is no need to provide those main points about the topic of your essay that are not written in the body of an essay.